If you have struggled with infertility problems, you know the pain of not being able to conceive the baby that you want. Whether you’re trying to start a family, or grow your existing one, you can find help from a fertility care Singapore specialist. They’re trained to help people get pregnant if they are struggling to do so on their own.

Testing and Consultation

When you first go to see a fertility care doctor, they are going to do a consultation. The goal here is to find out more information, including how long you’ve been trying to conceive and anything you’ve noticed or experienced. It’s important to be honest with the doctor since you’ll likely not get the right treatment without total honesty.

Once the consultation is done, you’ll be tested for various infertility issues. You can expect them to do a pelvic exam, blood draws, and even an ultrasound. As invasive as some may feel these tests are, it will give the doctor a chance to see if they can tell what’s going on with your infertility.


Once they have made a diagnosis, it’s time to help treat what’s going on. Often, treatment can be as simple as just taking medication. The medication can help you ovulate, which gives your body more of a chance to get pregnant with each cycle. This is usually the method taken in order to regain lost fertility.

However, in come severe cases, it may be decided that you need surgery to correct the problem. If this is the case for you, there is no need to worry. Surgeries used to treat infertility are usually non-invasive and easy to heal from. In fact, they are likely to perform keyhole surgery, which is so easy to go through that it’s considered an out-patient procedure, allowing you to go home the same day.


Once you find a treatment plan, it’s time to find out if it was successful. Through continuing your attempts to get pregnant, you’ll have the chance to find out if you can get finally do so. With any luck at all, you’ll find that you are more fertile.

A fertility care Singapore specialist can help you create the family you’ve always wanted to have. Simply by getting a diagnosis and being treated, you will surely be able to add on a new addition to your growing family.